Gravesande – Campbell Mahaica Tuesday, January 13th. 1942
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell of Lancaster, and Assistant and Sewing Teacher of Unity Canadian Mission School, was united in holy matrimony on Tuesday, December 23rd. 1941 to Mr. Eric Hubert Gravesande, youngest son of Mrs. Gravesande of Mahaica and R. L.C. (Mahaicony District).
The ceremony which was choral took place at Mahaica Methodist Church, the Rev. Ewart Hackshaw, officiating, with Mr. Rupert Duncan at the organ. The church was specially and tastefully decorated for the occasion by the choristers, and friends of the bride.
The Bridegroom arrived at 2.30P: M accompanied by his brother, Mr. Edmund Gravesande.
The Bride arrived promptly at 3.00 P: M and was given in marriage by her father. She looked a picture of loveliness as she stepped up the central aisle, attired in a skirt of plain slipper satin, a bodice of brocaded satin, and a train of figured satin lined with blue and finished with a pair of horse shoes and a basket of flowers. She carried a lovely shower bouquet.
The dress was the handiwork of Mrs. F.E. Pollard, of Pln. Drill, East Coast, Demerara.
The first bridesmaid, Miss R. Campbell, looked pretty in a dress of white brocaded taffeta trimmed with pink satin and pink ribbons, pink spray, and head dress to match.
The second bridesmaid, Miss C. Campbell, was attractive in a dress of pink suede, white spray, and pink net, with shoes and head dress to match.
The Bridegroom’s mother looked exceedingly nice in a dress of rose beige with mauve accessories.
The Bride’s mother was particularly charming in a dress of pink figured crepe-de-chine, with shoes and head dress to match.
The page, Cedric Grant was admirable in a blue velvet suit.
The flower girls looked beautiful in dresses of yellow satin, with shoes and hats to match.
Miss Enid Carbon looked well in a dress of pink stamped taffeta, pink bow, white gloves, with a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss Maple Carbon wore a dress of pink net and plain taffeta, pink hat, white gloves, with shoes and hat to match, and carried a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss O. Grandsoult chose pink stamped taffeta, with pink hat, pink gloves, with a bouquet of artificial roses.
Miss E. Campbell’s dress of a pink taffeta, with pink headdress, white gloves, and she carried a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss Ward selected blue and white suede georgette, white gloves, with shoes and hat to match.
Miss A. Henderson wore a pink dress, gloves with shoes and hat to match.
Miss E. Conzius’s dress was of blue suede georgette, red headdress with shoes and hat to match.
Miss Lee was in a dress of lemon taffeta, with white shoes.
Miss Pansy Hansfield looked well in a dress of plain taffeta with lace to match.
Mrs. Scott, the Bridegroom’s Aunt chose a stamped georgette dress headdress with shoes and hat to match.
Miss De Challus looked nice in a dress of pink organdie and white ribbons.
Miss Glen’s dress was of white embroidered organdie with gold ribbons.
Miss S. Hercules wore a dress of pink figured crepe-de-chine and peach spray.
Miss E. Vande Cruz looked well in a dress of blue taffeta with shoes to match.
Miss W. Lynch’s dress was of white organdie, pink ribbon and a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss Theobald looked very pretty in a dress of plain taffeta rose beige with lotus lilies.
Miss London wore a stamped satin (horse shoe) dress.
Miss Bovell was in blue and white velvet and carried a blue wallet.
Miss J. Wilson chose a dress of figured pink satin.
Miss Campbell, the bride’s sister was in a dress of figured orchid with hat and shoes to match.
Miss Janki Nauth looked pretty in a dress of pink taffeta.
Miss W. Thomas looked fine in a figured crepe-de-chine.
Miss M. Anderson was pretty in a dress of pink taffeta with hat and shoes to match.
Miss R. Campbell was charming in a dress of old rose satin, gold headdress, white net and a bouquet of asparagus.
The reception was held at Belmonte Cinema Hall which was attractively decorated.
The bridal cake, which was made by Mr. V. Hope, was three-tiered Diamond-shaped and decorated with silver flowers.
The Rev. E. Hackshaw blessed the table, and Mr. H. C. Anderson, Master of Ceremonies, proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom.
The Yankee Clipper Orchestra provided music for dancing to the small hours of the morning.
Following is a list of the presents received: Bridegroom to bride – cheque and gold brooch: bride to bridegroom – cheque and gold tie pin: bride’s father to bride and bridegroom – cheque and piano; bride’s mother to bride and bridegroom – cheque; bridegroom’s mother to bride and bridegroom- cheque; bride’s sister – one pair earrings; bride’s mother-in-law to bride and bridegroom – cheque; bridegroom’s sister – cheque, gold stud P.J. case; bridegroom’s brother – cheque; bridegroom’s aunt, Mrs. Millicent Scott (Trinidad) – pair silk P.J. suit; Mrs. Francis - cheque; Rev. C.E. Biles – Bible; Rev. Ewart Hackshaw- lemonade Mug; Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Porter (England) – table cloth and table centres; Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson – butter bowl and ice cream bowl; Barnie – Salad bowl; Mr. and Mrs. J. DeSouza – cheese dish; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sinclair and family – coloured glasses; Winston and Doris – comb and brush bag; Mr. John Trim – saving set; Mr. F. Da Silva Jardine – toilet set; Dr. Grausoult and family – pair ash trays and butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. C. Facey – cheque; Mrs. O. Lovell – glasses; Miss K. Grinion – cheque; Mr. J. Sookhan –ice cream set; Dr. and Mrs. Ramdeholl – sweet meat dish; Teacher and Miss B. Kitt – comb and brush; Mr. E. Dapson –liqueur set; Mr. B. O. Dell – oval table(polished); Mr. and Mrs. B. Reece –shaving set and sweet meat dish; Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffatt and family – butter dish; Mrs. Tryphena – Charles – cake; Mr. K. F. Henry – cheque; Aunt Marna – pillow and cheque; Aunt Florence – pair glasses; George C. Wills – half case liquor; Mr. O. Garnett – lemonade set and cheque; Mr. W. E. George – cheque and sweet meat dish; Mr. and Mrs. R. Rodrigues – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. D. Eastman – pichell bottle; Cousin Walterine –wine glasses; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. De Chailus (junior) – saving set; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. De Chailus (senior) – comb and brush; Masters Neville and Frank De Chailus – dinner bell; The Staff, Mahaica Post Office - lemonade set; Mr. J. C. Norville –cheese plates, tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. Canzius – cheque; Mr. I. Hercules – perfume; Miss G. E. Thomas – powder bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (S.M.) - liqueur set; Mr. A. Jackson and family – bread board and knife; Miss Olga Jackson – butter dish; Aunt Ruby, Lyn, and Babs – sugar bowl; Mrs. I. O. Dell – vase; Aunt Effie – vase; The Billey family – glasses; Mr. A. Henderson – cheque; Uncle Jim – cheque; Mr. John Grant – cheque; Ritchie to uncle – perfume; Mr. and Mrs. James – tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jaundoo – butter bowl; Mr. G. R. Hutchison – piano runner; Mr. A. Padmore – cheque; Miss Enid Carbon – wall mirror; Mrs. M. Mitchell - cheque; Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim Austin – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Martin and family – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. G. De Souza – bread board and knife; Staff, Standard Cash Store – gold brooch; Mrs. Eva Ross –lemonade mug; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cato – Thermus jar; Miss G. Small – nightgown; Mr. and Mrs. Assanah – goblet; Miss R. Melbourne and step-mother –tea pot and salad bowl; Mr. Chester – cheque; Aunt Cattie –cheque; Mr. Anthony - cheque; Aunt Meg – feather pillow; Mrs. M. Matthias and family – half doz cake saucers; Mr. and Mrs. J. D’Andrade – set coloured glasses; Miss Mignon Murray – fruit dish; Mr. and Mrs. October and family – mirrored hat stand; Mr. and Mrs. Insanally - cheque; Mrs. M. Leander – tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. A. Khan – Pond beauty box and waiter; Mr. G. Medas – rose bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shepherd – pair fruit dishes; Miss Irene Billey – table centre; Misses Ruth and Rosaline Wilson –cheque; Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morgan – bottle collogue; Miss Mildred Clemenison – glasses, tea cup and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. P. Farnum – fruit dish; Mr. Alonzo Valentine – lemonade set; Miss C. McCloud – lady’s vest; Matron Greenidge – waiter set; Mr. and Mrs. P. Melbourne – ice cream glasses; Miss P. Rose – two pairs coloured glasses; Mr. and Mrs. R. Adhin – Ice cream glasses; Miss E. Frank and family –waiter and glasses; Mrs. Carpen - schnapps glasses; Mr. and Mrs. A. Luckhoo – sugar bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Jankie Nauth – ice cream glasses and cake plates; Unknown friend – one pair blue and white booty; Mr. F. Hope – pair slippers; Mr. and Mrs. De Florimonte – cheese dish; Mr. Thomas Murray – cheque; Miss M. Poole – cheque; Mr. A. Jeffrey – cheque; Miss V. Theobald – cheque; Master Harry Young – butter bowl; Miss Lucille Seymour – cake plate; tea cup and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell – cheque; Miss Eloise Mc Collock – pin cushion; Madam McKenzie – glass mug; Mr. R. Duncan –lemonade set; Mr. Hubert Austin – sugar bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Tibbaynie – tea cup and saucer; Mr. F. Greenidge – salad dish; Nurse Kingston – vase; Miss Ada Lawrence – ice cream glasses and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. C. Pompey – biscuit barrel and cheque; Miss M. Lynch –pair plates; Mr. and Mrs. P. Singh – cheque; Miss Y. Gittens – cheque; Miss E. Mahaica – pair glasses; Mrs. H. H. Hill – perfume; Mr. and Mrs. Jackman – mug; Mrs. M, Mc. Kay – pair glasses; Miss C. Ainsworth – needle case; Mr. C. Ramotar - cheque; Mr. and Mrs. Sears – pair, salad bowls; Nurse E. Da Florimonte – biscuit barrel; Miss A. Robertson – cheese dish; Mrs. C. Taylor – salad bowl; Nurse Williams – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnwell – cheque; Miss E. Dodson – tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. C. Jerrick - tea cups and saucers; Mr. Chas. Fraser- tea cups and saucers; Mr. Chas. Fraser- tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thursday – saucer, mug, and plates; Mr. and Mrs. Evans – butter bowl.
Mr. J. Jnasi, head teacher – cheque: Phulmoonie-pair glasses; Nandi and Rowtie –bedroom lamp; Nellie- pair glasses; Eilline and Edward - pair glasses; Ramdularie- pair glasses; Drupati-glass; Kawsilla – a saucer; Rudolph Sooknanan - pair glasses; Sheila Jaipargas – coloured glasses; Seenanan –cheese plate and glasses; Naupersaud–cheese plate and glasses; Hardaldai, Indrowite – powder, perfume bottle; Etwarie-glasses; Ilkie-pair, glasses; Rosaline- pair, glasses; Ramnauth –pair, wall plates.
Source: the Daily Chronicle, Monday, January 26, 1942: Pages 6, and 8.
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell of Lancaster, and Assistant and Sewing Teacher of Unity Canadian Mission School, was united in holy matrimony on Tuesday, December 23rd. 1941 to Mr. Eric Hubert Gravesande, youngest son of Mrs. Gravesande of Mahaica and R. L.C. (Mahaicony District).
The ceremony which was choral took place at Mahaica Methodist Church, the Rev. Ewart Hackshaw, officiating, with Mr. Rupert Duncan at the organ. The church was specially and tastefully decorated for the occasion by the choristers, and friends of the bride.
The Bridegroom arrived at 2.30P: M accompanied by his brother, Mr. Edmund Gravesande.
The Bride arrived promptly at 3.00 P: M and was given in marriage by her father. She looked a picture of loveliness as she stepped up the central aisle, attired in a skirt of plain slipper satin, a bodice of brocaded satin, and a train of figured satin lined with blue and finished with a pair of horse shoes and a basket of flowers. She carried a lovely shower bouquet.
The dress was the handiwork of Mrs. F.E. Pollard, of Pln. Drill, East Coast, Demerara.
The first bridesmaid, Miss R. Campbell, looked pretty in a dress of white brocaded taffeta trimmed with pink satin and pink ribbons, pink spray, and head dress to match.
The second bridesmaid, Miss C. Campbell, was attractive in a dress of pink suede, white spray, and pink net, with shoes and head dress to match.
The Bridegroom’s mother looked exceedingly nice in a dress of rose beige with mauve accessories.
The Bride’s mother was particularly charming in a dress of pink figured crepe-de-chine, with shoes and head dress to match.
The page, Cedric Grant was admirable in a blue velvet suit.
The flower girls looked beautiful in dresses of yellow satin, with shoes and hats to match.
Miss Enid Carbon looked well in a dress of pink stamped taffeta, pink bow, white gloves, with a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss Maple Carbon wore a dress of pink net and plain taffeta, pink hat, white gloves, with shoes and hat to match, and carried a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss O. Grandsoult chose pink stamped taffeta, with pink hat, pink gloves, with a bouquet of artificial roses.
Miss E. Campbell’s dress of a pink taffeta, with pink headdress, white gloves, and she carried a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss Ward selected blue and white suede georgette, white gloves, with shoes and hat to match.
Miss A. Henderson wore a pink dress, gloves with shoes and hat to match.
Miss E. Conzius’s dress was of blue suede georgette, red headdress with shoes and hat to match.
Miss Lee was in a dress of lemon taffeta, with white shoes.
Miss Pansy Hansfield looked well in a dress of plain taffeta with lace to match.
Mrs. Scott, the Bridegroom’s Aunt chose a stamped georgette dress headdress with shoes and hat to match.
Miss De Challus looked nice in a dress of pink organdie and white ribbons.
Miss Glen’s dress was of white embroidered organdie with gold ribbons.
Miss S. Hercules wore a dress of pink figured crepe-de-chine and peach spray.
Miss E. Vande Cruz looked well in a dress of blue taffeta with shoes to match.
Miss W. Lynch’s dress was of white organdie, pink ribbon and a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Miss Theobald looked very pretty in a dress of plain taffeta rose beige with lotus lilies.
Miss London wore a stamped satin (horse shoe) dress.
Miss Bovell was in blue and white velvet and carried a blue wallet.
Miss J. Wilson chose a dress of figured pink satin.
Miss Campbell, the bride’s sister was in a dress of figured orchid with hat and shoes to match.
Miss Janki Nauth looked pretty in a dress of pink taffeta.
Miss W. Thomas looked fine in a figured crepe-de-chine.
Miss M. Anderson was pretty in a dress of pink taffeta with hat and shoes to match.
Miss R. Campbell was charming in a dress of old rose satin, gold headdress, white net and a bouquet of asparagus.
The reception was held at Belmonte Cinema Hall which was attractively decorated.
The bridal cake, which was made by Mr. V. Hope, was three-tiered Diamond-shaped and decorated with silver flowers.
The Rev. E. Hackshaw blessed the table, and Mr. H. C. Anderson, Master of Ceremonies, proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom.
The Yankee Clipper Orchestra provided music for dancing to the small hours of the morning.
Following is a list of the presents received: Bridegroom to bride – cheque and gold brooch: bride to bridegroom – cheque and gold tie pin: bride’s father to bride and bridegroom – cheque and piano; bride’s mother to bride and bridegroom – cheque; bridegroom’s mother to bride and bridegroom- cheque; bride’s sister – one pair earrings; bride’s mother-in-law to bride and bridegroom – cheque; bridegroom’s sister – cheque, gold stud P.J. case; bridegroom’s brother – cheque; bridegroom’s aunt, Mrs. Millicent Scott (Trinidad) – pair silk P.J. suit; Mrs. Francis - cheque; Rev. C.E. Biles – Bible; Rev. Ewart Hackshaw- lemonade Mug; Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Porter (England) – table cloth and table centres; Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson – butter bowl and ice cream bowl; Barnie – Salad bowl; Mr. and Mrs. J. DeSouza – cheese dish; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sinclair and family – coloured glasses; Winston and Doris – comb and brush bag; Mr. John Trim – saving set; Mr. F. Da Silva Jardine – toilet set; Dr. Grausoult and family – pair ash trays and butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. C. Facey – cheque; Mrs. O. Lovell – glasses; Miss K. Grinion – cheque; Mr. J. Sookhan –ice cream set; Dr. and Mrs. Ramdeholl – sweet meat dish; Teacher and Miss B. Kitt – comb and brush; Mr. E. Dapson –liqueur set; Mr. B. O. Dell – oval table(polished); Mr. and Mrs. B. Reece –shaving set and sweet meat dish; Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffatt and family – butter dish; Mrs. Tryphena – Charles – cake; Mr. K. F. Henry – cheque; Aunt Marna – pillow and cheque; Aunt Florence – pair glasses; George C. Wills – half case liquor; Mr. O. Garnett – lemonade set and cheque; Mr. W. E. George – cheque and sweet meat dish; Mr. and Mrs. R. Rodrigues – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. D. Eastman – pichell bottle; Cousin Walterine –wine glasses; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. De Chailus (junior) – saving set; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. De Chailus (senior) – comb and brush; Masters Neville and Frank De Chailus – dinner bell; The Staff, Mahaica Post Office - lemonade set; Mr. J. C. Norville –cheese plates, tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. Canzius – cheque; Mr. I. Hercules – perfume; Miss G. E. Thomas – powder bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (S.M.) - liqueur set; Mr. A. Jackson and family – bread board and knife; Miss Olga Jackson – butter dish; Aunt Ruby, Lyn, and Babs – sugar bowl; Mrs. I. O. Dell – vase; Aunt Effie – vase; The Billey family – glasses; Mr. A. Henderson – cheque; Uncle Jim – cheque; Mr. John Grant – cheque; Ritchie to uncle – perfume; Mr. and Mrs. James – tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jaundoo – butter bowl; Mr. G. R. Hutchison – piano runner; Mr. A. Padmore – cheque; Miss Enid Carbon – wall mirror; Mrs. M. Mitchell - cheque; Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim Austin – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Martin and family – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. G. De Souza – bread board and knife; Staff, Standard Cash Store – gold brooch; Mrs. Eva Ross –lemonade mug; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cato – Thermus jar; Miss G. Small – nightgown; Mr. and Mrs. Assanah – goblet; Miss R. Melbourne and step-mother –tea pot and salad bowl; Mr. Chester – cheque; Aunt Cattie –cheque; Mr. Anthony - cheque; Aunt Meg – feather pillow; Mrs. M. Matthias and family – half doz cake saucers; Mr. and Mrs. J. D’Andrade – set coloured glasses; Miss Mignon Murray – fruit dish; Mr. and Mrs. October and family – mirrored hat stand; Mr. and Mrs. Insanally - cheque; Mrs. M. Leander – tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. A. Khan – Pond beauty box and waiter; Mr. G. Medas – rose bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shepherd – pair fruit dishes; Miss Irene Billey – table centre; Misses Ruth and Rosaline Wilson –cheque; Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morgan – bottle collogue; Miss Mildred Clemenison – glasses, tea cup and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. P. Farnum – fruit dish; Mr. Alonzo Valentine – lemonade set; Miss C. McCloud – lady’s vest; Matron Greenidge – waiter set; Mr. and Mrs. P. Melbourne – ice cream glasses; Miss P. Rose – two pairs coloured glasses; Mr. and Mrs. R. Adhin – Ice cream glasses; Miss E. Frank and family –waiter and glasses; Mrs. Carpen - schnapps glasses; Mr. and Mrs. A. Luckhoo – sugar bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Jankie Nauth – ice cream glasses and cake plates; Unknown friend – one pair blue and white booty; Mr. F. Hope – pair slippers; Mr. and Mrs. De Florimonte – cheese dish; Mr. Thomas Murray – cheque; Miss M. Poole – cheque; Mr. A. Jeffrey – cheque; Miss V. Theobald – cheque; Master Harry Young – butter bowl; Miss Lucille Seymour – cake plate; tea cup and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell – cheque; Miss Eloise Mc Collock – pin cushion; Madam McKenzie – glass mug; Mr. R. Duncan –lemonade set; Mr. Hubert Austin – sugar bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Tibbaynie – tea cup and saucer; Mr. F. Greenidge – salad dish; Nurse Kingston – vase; Miss Ada Lawrence – ice cream glasses and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. C. Pompey – biscuit barrel and cheque; Miss M. Lynch –pair plates; Mr. and Mrs. P. Singh – cheque; Miss Y. Gittens – cheque; Miss E. Mahaica – pair glasses; Mrs. H. H. Hill – perfume; Mr. and Mrs. Jackman – mug; Mrs. M, Mc. Kay – pair glasses; Miss C. Ainsworth – needle case; Mr. C. Ramotar - cheque; Mr. and Mrs. Sears – pair, salad bowls; Nurse E. Da Florimonte – biscuit barrel; Miss A. Robertson – cheese dish; Mrs. C. Taylor – salad bowl; Nurse Williams – cheque; Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnwell – cheque; Miss E. Dodson – tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. C. Jerrick - tea cups and saucers; Mr. Chas. Fraser- tea cups and saucers; Mr. Chas. Fraser- tea cups and saucers; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thursday – saucer, mug, and plates; Mr. and Mrs. Evans – butter bowl.
Mr. J. Jnasi, head teacher – cheque: Phulmoonie-pair glasses; Nandi and Rowtie –bedroom lamp; Nellie- pair glasses; Eilline and Edward - pair glasses; Ramdularie- pair glasses; Drupati-glass; Kawsilla – a saucer; Rudolph Sooknanan - pair glasses; Sheila Jaipargas – coloured glasses; Seenanan –cheese plate and glasses; Naupersaud–cheese plate and glasses; Hardaldai, Indrowite – powder, perfume bottle; Etwarie-glasses; Ilkie-pair, glasses; Rosaline- pair, glasses; Ramnauth –pair, wall plates.
Source: the Daily Chronicle, Monday, January 26, 1942: Pages 6, and 8.