Elliott – Messers. E. S., H. J., S. B., and W. R. Elliott (sons); Mesdames A. M. Bradshaw, Sophia Willis, M. A. Patterson (daughters); Miss Sarah Sandy (sister) and the grand children of the late Annie Sophia, beg to thank the many friends, and relatives who attended her funeral and sent wreaths, cards, letters, telegrams, and in any other way sympathised with them in their bereavement.
"Announcements" "Deaths" - the Sunday Chronicle - September 26, 1948: page 6
Elliott – On Tuesday, November2, 1948, at the Gentlewoman’s Home, Brickdam, Leonora, in her 86th year.
Funeral from the above address at 4.30 o’clock, today.
"Deaths" - the Daily Chronicle – Wednesday November 3, 1948: page 5.
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