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Showing posts from April 27, 2003


Bibliography: Adamson, Alan Sugar without Slaves: Political Economy of British Guiana 1838 1904. Ahuma, Samuel R.B. Attoh Memoirs of West African Celebrities, Europe,& co 1700-1850. Liverpool, D. Marples. Amen, Ra Un Nefer Metu Neter vol.1; Khemit Corps Publishers Aptheker, H. 1969 American Negro Slave Revolts. Baker, George P. 1930 Hannibal. Battuta, Ibn Jewish Migrations Southward into Sudan of West Africa. Beckles, Hilary Black Rebellions in Barbados 1627- 1838. Bendiner, Elmer The Rise and fall of Paradise: When Arabs and Jews built a kingdom in Spain. Dorset Press, 1990. Ben Jochannan, Yosef 1970 Blackman of the Nile. NEW YORK:Alkebu-lan Books Associates. -- 1970 Africa mother of Western Civilization. NEW YORK: Alkebu-lan Books Associates. -- 1971 African origins of the major Western Religions. NEW YORK: Alkebu-lan Books Associates. Blyden, Edward W. 1887 Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race. rpt. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 1967. Breasted, Ja...
TO MR. M----. August 7, 1768. LORD! what is Man?--and what business have such lazy, lousy, paltry beings of a day to form friendships, or to make connexions? Man is an absurd animal--yea, I will ever maintain it--in his vices, dreadful--in his few virtues, silly--religious without devotion --philosophy without wisdom--the divine passion (as it is called) love too oft without affection--and anger without cause--friendship without reason--hate without reflection--knowledge (like Ashley's punch in small quantities) without judgement--and wit without discretion. --Look into old age, you will see avarice joined to poverty--letchery, gout, impotency, like three monkeys, or London bucks, in a one-horse whisky, driving to the Devil. --Deep politicians with palsied heads and relaxed nerves--zealous in the great cause of national welfare and public virtue--but touch not--oh! touch not the pocket--friendship--religion--love of country--excellent topics for declamation!--but most ridicul...
I really do believe that every human being has serious value. I'm in most people's corner. Elaine Brown The true leader is one who realizes by faith that he of she is an instrument in the hands of the creator, dedicates him or herself to be a guide and inspirer of the nobler sentiments and inspirations of the people. The leader will kindle interest, teach, aid, correct and inspire. Those who are lead will co-operate with the leader in maintaining discipline for the good of the group. Leader will instruct the followers in the goals toward which to strive and create in them a sense of mutual effort for attaining the goal. To sum up, there's no power on earth, in this universe, or elsewhere, that can take a clerk from a desk or a mechanic, and easily mold that person into a leader. To develop oneself, one has to develop one's own initiative and perseverance - a man has to strive in order to grow. Educated people, will be regarded, and rightly so, as those who will ...
Ballot box opened after close of polls --elections petition hearing learns Stabroek News November 4, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ongoing elections petition hearing yesterday learned that a ballot box had been opened by a group of persons on Elections Day, after the close of polls, in order to check on the material inside. The court presided over by Justice Claudette Singh, was also told by a former presiding officer (PO) that the same ballot box had earlier been taken from her at the Sparendaam Police Station and that she had next seen it about half an hour later at the Beterverwagting Education Office where the opening took place. Jacqueline Barclay's testimony came under cross-examination by Peter Britton, SC, counsel for the petitioner Esther Perreira, and after she had faced examination by Hubert Rodney, counsel for the Chief Elections Officer (CEO). Barclay had earlier testified that s...
Acquisition of vacant lots for vendors proposed Meeting with President on today By Desiree Jodah Stabroek News October 10, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Councillors of the Georgetown Municipality yesterday passed a motion to seek government's leave to acquire vacant lots, particularly in Water, America and Regent streets for vendors, who have been barred from selling on Regent Street, to ply their trade. The motion tabled by A Good and Green Guyana (AGGG) councillor, Llewellyn John, was passed even as a meeting requested by President Bharrat Jagdeo with members of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) and vendors is expected to be held at 1500 hrs today. The M&CC, on September 30, dismantled all stalls belonging to Regent Street vendors following the dismissal of an injunction which the vendors had obtained against City Hall. The injunction had prevented the M&CC from removing the vendors. Vend...
Who should chair the Elections Commission? What the people say By Miranda La Rose Stabroek News April 10, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the political opposition will be required to submit a list of six names as possible candidates to serve as the full-time chairman of the Elections Commission we asked the men/women in the street to identify at least three if they could. Their views follow: Jerome Khan - businessman: `First and foremost I think that Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Major General Joe Singh who will be retiring shortly should be eligible for such a position. He is a man of high integrity, thorough and professional. He has no political axe to grind and is respected by all Guyanese. Secondly, Rudy Collins, diplomat and former elections commission chairman. Also a person of high integrity, he has a track record as a previous chairman who will bring experience to the job. He unders...
Caribbean drug trafficking rose dramatically last year - report By Bebe Buksh Stabroek News January 26, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug trafficking in the region increased dramatically last year and could accelerate in the foreseeable future, according to the 1999/2000 Report on Drug Trends in the Caribbean. It said that for last year alone, the Region "strengthened its position as the world's biggest cocaine transit hub." Underlying this growth was a sharp rise in cocaine transshipment through the Caribbean, representing 85% of all income generated. The marijuana trade, the choice drug in the Region-and the only illegal narcotic substance produced within the Caribbean-remained stable during last year, accounting for the remaining 15%. The trafficking and consumption of heroin, which have increased slightly during last year, combined with the emerging trade in amphetamine-type ...
CARICOM Heads to consider 100 crime, security recommendations Stabroek News June 28, 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Links: Articles on the Caribbean Letters Menu Archival Menu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The report on crime and security to be presented to the Twenty-third Conference of CARICOM Heads of Governments contains 100 recommendations, CARICOM Coordinator of the Regional Coordinating Unit with responsibility for Drug Control Programmes, Fairbairn Liverpool, said. In a statement circulated among journalists at the media clinic at the CARICOM Secretariat on Tuesday, Liverpool said that the recommendations were put together by the Regional Task Force on crime and security and reviewed by a joint committee of attorneys-general and ministers with responsibility for national security. The issue of crime and security will be high on the agenda of ...
The obituary to an intellectual tradition Stabroek News January 8, 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Editor, As a Guyanese, there is obviously a profound sense of vicarious pride, on reading the news, some time ago, of the appointment of Dr.Charles. E. Denbow, as a Professor of Medicine, at the U.W.I. Dr.Denbow, is the most academically decorated medical doctor, ever, in the history of Guyana. Like many of the all greats before him, he has come from a tradition of intellectual, and moral leadership, that has since been irrevocably lost. The Denbows were like no intellectual family Guyana had ever seen. The Denbows repeated, and then went on to eclipse, what the Luckhoos, the Ram-sahoyes, and the Hano-mans had done. And that was, the achievement of academic excellence, at its most sublime, thereby culminating into the realisation of intellectual uniqueness. As a teenager during the early period of the 1970s,...
The Green Book: Part Two Chapter Four DOMESTIC SERVANTS Domestic servants, paid or unpaid are a type of slave. Indeed they are the slaves of the modern age. But since the new socialist society is based on partnership in production rather than on wages, natural socialist law does not apply to them, because they render services rather than production. Services have no physical production, which is divisible into shares in accordance with natural socialist law. Domestic servants, therefore, have no alternative but to work with or without wages under bad conditions. As wage workers are a type of slave and their slavery exists as long as they work for wages, so domestic servants are in a lower position than the wageworkers in the economic establishments and corporations outside the houses. They are, then, even more entitled to emancipation from the slavery of the society than are wageworkers from their society. Domestic servants form one of the social phenomena...
I admire the five percent way of life, I love the Rasta way of life - really love Eastern way of life - Black life and culture. Religion and politics are blamed for man's lust for power and man's inhumanity to man. there are numerous sagas illustrating this behavior in the human experience. There is no excuse for this inherited behavioral practices to continue to affect life and culture in this day and age. I shall ever maintain folks who do not articulate their views on various subjects are entitled to do just that or not to do it. It's their choice, however man has been guilty of hiding behind these two social sciences, creating havoc on the illiterate - its is this posturing which allows less than 33 percent of the world's population to dominate the remaining majority with their European Capitalistic ideology. Dubois spoke of the talented ten, rising and leading the way but instead it seems to me the laboring class has always caught hell - whether they are slaves...
Dr. Walter Rodney fathered Shawn Bacchus of Beterverwating I am rather saddened. I over heard four Guyanese chatting on the IRT #4 subway train, Lexington Avenue Express. The female stated Walter Rodney fathered an out of wedlock child, Shawn Bacchus with Miss Bacchus of Beterverwating. Gregory Smith also fathered a daughter with Miss Bacchus, who was two years old at the period of Rodney’s execution. Smith was in cohort with Rodney, but became extreme jealous of the extra martial affair Rodney and Bacchus, thus Smith double-crossed Rodney, grabbing PNC’s monetary offer of some $ 650,000 for the death of Rodney. The four folks agreed the plan was hatched in Bacchus’s residence in Beterverwating. Miss Bacchus received protection, money, and best care for children and herself. Rodney they argued took too long to ignite the people’s revolution. The plan was to free the WPA activists held in prison at Camp Street and spark the revolt against the PNC government and those who stood idl...