Awarded British Guiana Government Exhibition to Miss Joyclyenne Loncke who will read for a degree in Arts. Source: Government Information Services, BG - Guiana Diary- Vol. XVI No. # 32; of September 25 –October 1, 1960: page 170. Guiana Scholar Announced ---November 3, 1960 Minister of Community Development and Education, the Honourable Balram Singh Rai, announced on November 3, that the Governor-in-Council has approved of the following awards for the 1960 British Guiana Scholarships. E. A. C. Thomas – Queen’s College – distinction in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Physics; Miss J. E. Loncke – Private Candidate - distinction in English Literature and Latin. Good in French; W. A. Ramsahoye – Queen’s College – distinction in Mathematics, (Pure, and Applied), Physics and Chemistry. Sixty-seven candidates (38 boys and 29 girls) had written the examination. The minister sent his personal congratulations to the winners. He also expressed the hope that they would pursue...
What are the maternal and paternal haplogroup of our DNA Sancho ancestors and relatives at home (Africa) and abroad? What are the mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome of the parents of Bentick Sancho and Tuckness Sancho? Who are Sancho ancestors of Swainton Blaire Christopher, George Sancho, Joshua Sancho, Adelaide Sancho Eliza Frank, Charles Edward Pilgrim, Jacob Williams, Ann Williams, Isabel Gordon, Agnes Louisa Wood, Amelia Sancho, Mary Sharper, Haile Sancho, Apollo Sancho, Jemmy Sancho