Golden Grove. 7th. March, 1856
Sir! – having just concluded a careful investigation instituted for the purpose of ascertaining how far the members of the Wesleyan Church were implicated in the late disgraceful outrages, I deem it my duty to forward the result of the same for the information of the government.
It may be well to state, that the Wesleyan Church is peculiar in its organization; all our members being under the religious care of the most intelligent persons in our communion, who are termed leaders. The province of the leaders is to instruct the 12 or 20 persons committed to his charge; he is expected to keep a proper weekly account of the attendance of his people, and to report weekly to his Minister, church’s official meeting, the case of the sick, the absent, and the immoral; for which purpose, a ruled paper is given, and renewed as the old ones become filled up. These “Class-papers” may,...
What are the maternal and paternal haplogroup of our DNA Sancho ancestors and relatives at home (Africa) and abroad? What are the mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome of the parents of Bentick Sancho and Tuckness Sancho? Who are Sancho ancestors of Swainton Blaire Christopher, George Sancho, Joshua Sancho, Adelaide Sancho Eliza Frank, Charles Edward Pilgrim, Jacob Williams, Ann Williams, Isabel Gordon, Agnes Louisa Wood, Amelia Sancho, Mary Sharper, Haile Sancho, Apollo Sancho, Jemmy Sancho