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Showing posts from March 16, 2008

Extraordinary Prejudice

Religious Discrimination Against Sancho in Jamaica in 1922? Extraordinary Prejudice The protest by some individual in Barbados against the flying of the Union Jack at half-mast in Barbados, on the death of the Pope is Extraordinary but the following instance of Prejudice against the Catholic Church is the limit. “The Catholic Standard” states that it heard with no little surprise a few days ago that Miss A. K. Elliott, daughter of the Catholic Head Teacher of our Bachelor’s Adventure School who left for Jamaica to enter the Shortwood Teachers Training Institution, was refused admission on account of her religion – Miss Elliott is a Catholic. The statement savoured a of a canard, but is was proved true that she had been refused admission, and that Mr. Sconce, our commissioner of education, had been asked by cable, if he had any objections to her being sent to St. Joseph’s College, a Training Institution conducted by the Catholic sisters of St. Francis. No doubt every unprejudiced mind...


SANCHO THE OBEAHMAN I had some unpleasant travelling in an uncovered corial one week in the rainy season. My assistants were three small Indian boys. The journey was three tides each way, which took us three nights of six hours and three days each of the same time of six hours. The burning sun alternated with frequent showers in the daytime, and we had heavy showers during the night. To add to our inconvenience, two of the boys made themselves sick by scouring the bush in the neighbourhood of Hittia, and eating freely of the wild fruits they found there, and then surfeiting themselves on sour milk at the settlement of an hospitable family. We could get no one to hire on the way; and so, cutting palm leaves and covering our invalids from the sun and rain, we wearily paddled onwards. The adverse tide met us and added to our difficulties. But as a rule disagreeable things, like other things, come to an end, and we reached Saints' Lust at last. Our kind friend Mrs. Hartmann physicked t...