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Showing posts from October 20, 2002
The Labour Movement Evolution, Intervention, Stagnation, Transition: Guyana Clark University Graduate School of Management International Labour Relations Professor Gary N. Chaison Tarique I. Nageer Spring 1998 Background The Cooperative Republic of Guyana is located on the northeastern coast of South America. Its neighbors are Venezuela to the west, Brazil to the south, Suriname to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. Guyana measures 82,980 square miles (215,000 square kilometers), about the size of Idaho or the United Kingdom. The population is comprised of East Indians (51 percent), Africans (30 Percent), Mixed Heritage (14 percent), and Amerindians (4 percent). Christianity is the largest religion affiliated with 50 percent of the population, Hinduism comprises 33 percent, while Islam makes up 9 percent. Christopher Columbus discovered Guyana in 1498 and it was at that time inhabited by Amerindians (Native Americans). Sir Walter Raleigh tr...
British Guiana's financial contribution to the war effort, 1939-1945: A preliminary investigation By Arlene Munro Guyana Chronicle December 31, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DURING the Second World War, British Guiana, like other West Indian colonies made a contribution to the war effort. It is common knowledge that her men formed part of the South Caribbean forces. In addition, Guianese volunteered to serve overseas with the British Navy, Royal Air Force, and the Women's Corps. British Guiana also made a financial contribution to the war effort which is commendable when the economic plight of her people is taken into consideration. Moreover, she agreed to shelter some Jewish refugees within her borders. This is a preliminary investigation of British Guiana's financial contribution to the Second World War. On September 3, 1939, Britain declared war on Germany. The following day the Coloni... THE OPIUM MONOPOLY BY ELLEN N. LA MOTTE BRITISH GUIANA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITUATED in South America. Area, 89,480 square miles. Population at census of 1911, excluding aborigines in the unfrequented parts of the colony, 296,000. The Statesman's Year Book, which gives us these brief facts, has very little to say about this British colony in our Western Hemisphere, and gives no dates or information as to how and when it was acquired. The Government reports are also meager and unsatisfactory, and there is no wealth of detail as to exports and imports. The country, however, is rich in gold, mining having commenced in i886. Diamonds have also been discovered. The chief sources of revenue, however, are customs, excise and licenses. With the word "excise" we have come to have unpleasant associations. From "The Statistical Abstract for British ...
Kaieteur Falls, Frontispiece from The Freshwater Fishes of British Guiana Carnegie British Guiana Expedition, 1908 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Departed: August 23, 1908 from New York Returned: middle November 1908 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl H. Eigenmann's expedition to British Guiana (current Republic of Guyana) was one of the most productive and important in his career. At first Eigenmann was unable to raise the proper funds in order to make the trip possible. Eigenmann finally was able to receive the financial backing needed to make the trip a success from the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh. He stated that he had two goals for the trip, "First to observe, photograph and incidentally collect as many specimens as possible for my monograph of the characins; second, in connection with my general fauna study of the fishes of South America to determine...
British Guiana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declassified Documents on British Guiana (Extracted from Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume XII - American Republics. This volume was published by US Department of State, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, and printed by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1996). Posted June 2000 Homepage || Govt. Documents || Speeches || News || History of Guyana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the late 1950s, the United States Government became increasingly concerned over the political and economic policies of the PPP Government led by Dr. Cheddi Jagan, even though the Government was freely elected by the people of Guyana. Opposition forces consistently accused the PPP Government of being "communist" and this most likely caused the US Government to ta...