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Showing posts from July 14, 2013

Manny Yaw and Nelson Yaw

Manny Yaw, Nelson Yaw, Joseph Quinton Cephas Yaw , Betsy (Yaw) Wills and John Eleazer Wills. I am hereby seeking data leading to the identity of the relatives of Manny Yaw and Nelson Yaw. I am referring to their maternal relatives thought to be people of Sancho. It is further understood that the mother of Manny Yaw and Nelson Yaw is sister of the mother of Rebecca (Jacobs) Harry (1870-1956) and Emily (Jacobs) Harry. Also, the husbands of Rebecca (Jacobs) Harry and Emily (Jacobs) Harry, Joseph Harry and Thomas Harry, and their brother Edward Harry are descendants of Bentick (Bentinck). All the kinships mentioned herein were resident in Buxton and Friendship district. To that end I am requesting you facilitate me with contact information of the relatives of Vibert Yaw, Superintendent , British Guiana Police Force, 1961; and Cyril Yaw, Bugler, Band, British Guiana Police Force, Eve Leary, Kingston, Georgetown prior to May 26, 1966. I am told Cyril Yaw has four children; Lorna Yaw, Lubert ...