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Showing posts from April 25, 2021

Huntley and Sancho?

Huntley  and Sancho? How are you doing?  Can you enlighten this researcher?  How the members of the kinships of Huntley of Kingston Street in the village of Victoria situated on the East Sea Coast of the County of Demerara are related to Oswald Sancho (1922-1984)?  What's your relationship to Stephanie Huntley and Ato Huntley?  Why would Huntley say Stephanie Huntley and Oswald Sancho (1922-1984) are relatives? Boyo Huntley said also Oswald Sancho and his mother are close Cousins. I never heard of Huntley being our relatives. He said Colin visited the Huntley of Kingston Street, Victoria, quite often. What are the surnames of our relatives of Victoria Village?  Can you point this researcher to persons who are related to the members of kinships of Victoria village; Sancho, Campbell, Younge, Bentick, Pilgrim, Kennedy, Lutchman, Lawrence, Luke, Jacobs, Hamilton, Bristol, Solomon, Beaton, Bobb, Hoppie, Hope and Huntley . .