I really do believe that every human being has serious value. I'm in most people's corner.
Elaine Brown
The true leader is one who realizes by faith that he of she is an instrument in the hands of the creator, dedicates him or herself to be a guide and inspirer of the nobler sentiments and inspirations of the people.
The leader will kindle interest, teach, aid, correct and inspire. Those who are lead will co-operate with the leader in maintaining discipline for the good of the group.
Leader will instruct the followers in the goals toward which to strive and create in them a sense of mutual effort for attaining the goal.
To sum up, there's no power on earth, in this universe, or elsewhere, that can take a clerk from a desk or a mechanic, and easily mold that person into a leader. To develop oneself, one has to develop one's own initiative and perseverance - a man has to strive in order to grow.
Educated people, will be regarded, and rightly so, as those who will have the necessary knowledge and the ability to inspire, to guide and to lead. Therefore it is for these reasons that much is expected from who ever has been given the opportunity of education, great and productive service to all mankind. It's the educated people who the labouring class, the masses look to for leadership.
A good leader is devoted to work and willingly forego even the demands of sleep to see its accomplishment. This does not mean the leader is impetuous. On the other hand, the leader maintains a balance between emotional drive and sound thinking.
Labours which sometimes appear excessive, derive from the leader's firm realization that unless a man undertakes more than that man can possibly do then that being will never be able to do all they can do. It's the enthusiasm that stimulates energy.
The art of leadership consists in the ability to make people want to work for you, when they are really under no obligation to do so.
Elaine Brown
The true leader is one who realizes by faith that he of she is an instrument in the hands of the creator, dedicates him or herself to be a guide and inspirer of the nobler sentiments and inspirations of the people.
The leader will kindle interest, teach, aid, correct and inspire. Those who are lead will co-operate with the leader in maintaining discipline for the good of the group.
Leader will instruct the followers in the goals toward which to strive and create in them a sense of mutual effort for attaining the goal.
To sum up, there's no power on earth, in this universe, or elsewhere, that can take a clerk from a desk or a mechanic, and easily mold that person into a leader. To develop oneself, one has to develop one's own initiative and perseverance - a man has to strive in order to grow.
Educated people, will be regarded, and rightly so, as those who will have the necessary knowledge and the ability to inspire, to guide and to lead. Therefore it is for these reasons that much is expected from who ever has been given the opportunity of education, great and productive service to all mankind. It's the educated people who the labouring class, the masses look to for leadership.
A good leader is devoted to work and willingly forego even the demands of sleep to see its accomplishment. This does not mean the leader is impetuous. On the other hand, the leader maintains a balance between emotional drive and sound thinking.
Labours which sometimes appear excessive, derive from the leader's firm realization that unless a man undertakes more than that man can possibly do then that being will never be able to do all they can do. It's the enthusiasm that stimulates energy.
The art of leadership consists in the ability to make people want to work for you, when they are really under no obligation to do so.