Adamson, Alan Sugar without Slaves: Political Economy of British Guiana 1838 1904.
Ahuma, Samuel R.B. Attoh Memoirs of West African Celebrities, Europe,& co 1700-1850. Liverpool, D. Marples.
Amen, Ra Un Nefer Metu Neter vol.1; Khemit Corps Publishers
Aptheker, H. 1969 American Negro Slave Revolts.
Baker, George P. 1930 Hannibal.
Battuta, Ibn Jewish Migrations Southward into Sudan of West Africa.
Beckles, Hilary Black Rebellions in Barbados 1627- 1838.
Bendiner, Elmer The Rise and fall of Paradise: When Arabs and Jews built a kingdom in Spain. Dorset Press, 1990.
Ben Jochannan, Yosef 1970 Blackman of the Nile. NEW YORK:Alkebu-lan Books Associates.
-- 1970 Africa mother of Western Civilization. NEW YORK: Alkebu-lan Books Associates.
-- 1971 African origins of the major Western Religions. NEW YORK: Alkebu-lan Books Associates.
Blyden, Edward W. 1887 Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race. rpt. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 1967.
Breasted, James H. 1967 A history of Egypt. Bantam Books, NEW YORK.
Browder, Anthony From the Browder file.
Budge, E.A.Wallis Egyptian Magic: A history of ancient Egyptian Magic.
--- Egyptian book of the Dead
Campbell, Horace 1987 Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney. TRENTON, NJ Africa World Press.
Carew, Jan R. Fulcrums of Change
Catterall, Helen T. 1926-37 Judicial cases concerning American slavery and the Negro. Washington, D.C.:Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Child, Lydia M. Francis 1865 The Freedmen's book. Boston, Ticknor and Fields.
Costa, Emilia V da 1994 Crowns of Glory: Tears of Blood: the Demerara Slave Rebellion of 1823. NEW YORK: Oxford University Press.
Craton, Michael Testing the Chains.
Curtin, Philip D. The image of Africa: British ideas and action, 1780-1850. Madison, University of Wisconsin.
----- Africans in bondage: studies in slavery and the .
Daly, P.H. 1970 Revolution to Republic. GEORGETOWN, Guyana: Daily Chronicle.
Diop, Cheikh Anta PreColonial Africa
------ Civilization or Barbarism
----- The African origin of Civilization.
---- Black Africa.
Duff, Charles 1936 The truth about Columbus and the discovery of America. NEW YORK, Random House.
Dykes, Eva Beatrice 1942 The Negro in English romantic thought: or, A study of sympathy for the oppressed. Washington, D.C., Associated Publishers.
Fleming, Beatrice J. 1946 Distinguished Negroes Abroad. Washington, D.C. Associated Publishers.
Ferris, William H. Africans Abroad vols. 1 & 2.
Foner, Philip Antonio Maceo: the Bronze Titian.
Gimbutas, Marija 1982 Gods and Goddess of old Europe 7000 - 3500 B.C. Myths, legends and Cult images. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Gogineau, Joseph A. de 1915 The inequality of the Human Races. N.Y: GP Putnam & sons. trans. vol.1.
Hecht, J. Jean 1956 The domestic servant in eighteen century England. rpt. ed. London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan, 1980.
Heeren, Arnold H.L. 1846-50 Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity. LONDON, H.G.Bhon.
-------- 1850 Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. London, Henry G. Bhon.
Henry, H.M. 1914 --------Police control of slaves in South Carolina. Emory, Va.
Jackson, John G. 1974 ---------Introduction to African Civilizations. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel.
-- 1990---------------- Man, God, and Civilization, First Carol Publishing Group edition.
James, C.L.R. 1980 ---------The Black Jacobins: Allison & Bushby; LONDON.
James, George GM 1954 --------Stolen Legacy: Philosophical Library, NEW YORK.
James, Marquis 1938 --------The Life of Andrew Jackson. Haddon Craftsmen, Inc., CAMDEN, NJ
Jefferson, Thomas -------Notes on the state of Virginia.
Jones, Eldred D. -------Othello's countrymen: the African in English Renaissance.
Josephus, Flavius --------The Great Roman - Jewish War A.D 66 - 70.
------------------ The Life and works of Flavius Josehpus. Translated by William Whitson; PHILADELPHIA, John C. Winston Company.
July, Robert W. ------------A history of the African people.
Kendall, Timothy 1990 ------------Kingdom of Kush in the National Geographic vol.178 n.5, Nov. pages 96- 125.
Kwayana, Eusi 1966 --------------Birth of Freedom: New World Quarterly; Guyana Independence Issue.
Lane-Poole, Stanley 1886 -----------The story of the Moors in Spain. G.P.Putnam's Sons LONDON, rpt.
Leech, Margaret 1980 ---------Reveille in Washington 1860-1865. Time-Life Books Inc. Alexandria, Virginia. Reprint; Harper & Row, Publishers Inc.
Livermore, Harold 1960 -------------A History of Spain. Evergreen Encyclopedia vol.6. Grove Press, Inc. New York.
Locke, Alain (editor) 1925 ----------The New Negro. rpt. NEW YORK: Atheneum Publishers, 1969.
Massey, Gerald -----------Ancient Egypt: the Light of the World.
2 vols. T. Fisher Unwin, LONDON, 1907; Samuel Weiser Inc. NEW YORK.
--------------------------- The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ: or Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry. Star Publishing co., Springfield, Mass., 1886.
---------------------------- Book of Beginnings. 2 vols. Williams & Norgate, LONDON, 1881.
Means, Sterling M. 1980 Ethiopia and the missing link in African history. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. D. Hakim Reprint.
Mohammed al-Maqqari, Ahmed ibn 1840-43 ----------History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain. translated by Pascual de Gayangos. London.
Noel, Donald L.(editor) 1970 ----------Origins of American Slavery and Racism.
Northcott, Cecil 1976 ------------Slavery's Martyr: John Smith of Demerara and the Emancipation movement 1817-24. Epworth Press.
Oates, Stephen B. 1979 --------------Our fiery trail: Abraham Lincoln, John Brown and the Civil War era. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Obadele, I.A. 1993--------- Reparation Yes 3rd edition.
Ogude, S.E. 1983 ------------Genius in Bondage: a study of the origins of African literature in English. Ile-Ife, Nigeria: University of Ife Press.
Okihiro Gary Y. (editor) 1986--------- In Resistance: Studies in African, Caribbean and Afro-American History.
Palmer, Colin A. 1981---------Human Cargoes: British slave trade to Spanish America.1700-39.
Pauline, Lawrence J. 1970 -----------Concepts in American History. Revised Edition Cambridge Book CO. NY.[David Goodhart, Andrew Morzello, Harold E. Hammond]
Pierson, Donald 1942 ----------Negroes in Brazil.
Porter, Dorothy 1971 ----------Early Negro Writing, 1760-1837. Boston Beacon Press.
Ramphal, Shirdath S. 1985 ------------'Some in light and some in Darkness'- Out of Slavery: Abolition and after. pages 159-89, notes 189-92. edited by Jack Hayward. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., London, England.
Read, Jan 1974 ------------The Moors in Spain and Portugal. London.
Rensberger, Boyce 1979 -----------Nubian Monarchy maybe the World's oldest - International Herald Tribune 3.9.1979.
Rodney, Walter E. 1967 ----------West Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade. East Africa Publishing House.
--------------------1970--------- A History of the upper Guinea Coast 1545-1800. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
-------------------------------- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. WASHINGTON, D.C.; Howard University Press.
--------------- 1981------------ A History of the Guyanese working people 1881 - 1905. BALTIMORE, M.D: John Hopkins University Press.
Rogers, Joel A. 1944 -----------Sex and Race 3 vols. NEW YORK.
----------------1947 -----------World's Great men of color. 2.vols. N.Y., Futuro Press Inc.
Salley, Columbus 1970--------- What color is your God?: Black consciousness and the Christian faith. rev. ed. Dowers Grove, Iil.: InterVarsity Press, c 1981.
Schomburg, Arthur A. 1925 -------Negro digs up his past: Survey Graphic: N.Y. Survey Associates; vol.6, no.6 pages 670-672.
Schuler, Monica 1970 ---------Ethnic Slave rebellions in the Caribbean and Guiana. Journal of Social History #3.1970.
Shyllon, Folarin O. 1977 ------Black people in Britain 1555-1833. Institute of Race Relations & Oxford University Press.
Stedman, John G.------------ Narrative of a five year's Expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam.
Uya, Okone 1976 ---------Slave Revolts in the Middle Passage: a neglected Theme. Celibar Historical Journal vol.1, #.1,1976.
Van Sertima, Ivan 1976 -----------They came before Columbus.1st ed. NEW YORK; Random House.
----------------------------------- Golden Age of the Moors.
--------------------------------- Black Women in Antiquity.
--------------------------------- Blacks in Science: ancient and modern.
--------------------------------- Great African thinkers.
----------------------------------- Egypt Revisited.
Volney, Count Constantine 1890 --The Ruins of Empires. Peter Eckler, NEW YORK.
Washburn, Emory 1864------ Somerset's Case and the Extinction of Villenage and Slavery in England: Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings 1st Series, #.7, 1864.
Wells, H.G. 1940-41 -------The Outline of History 3.vols. Triangle Books, NEW YORK.
Wiener, Leo 1920-22 Africa and the Discovery of America. 3.vols. Innes & Sons, Philadelphia.
Williams, Chancellor 1974 The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.; CHICAGO: Third World Press.
(2) Rebirth of black civilizations.
Williams, Eric From Columbus to Castro.
(2) 1981 Capitalism and Slavery. London, Deutsch, reprint of 1944 Chapel Hill.
Williams, Joseph John 1931 Hebrewism of West Africa: From the Nile to Niger. 2nd. ed. NEW YORK: the Dial Press.
Woodson, Carter G. 1933 The Mis-Education of the Negro. Washington, D.C., Associated Publishers.
Adamson, Alan Sugar without Slaves: Political Economy of British Guiana 1838 1904.
Ahuma, Samuel R.B. Attoh Memoirs of West African Celebrities, Europe,& co 1700-1850. Liverpool, D. Marples.
Amen, Ra Un Nefer Metu Neter vol.1; Khemit Corps Publishers
Aptheker, H. 1969 American Negro Slave Revolts.
Baker, George P. 1930 Hannibal.
Battuta, Ibn Jewish Migrations Southward into Sudan of West Africa.
Beckles, Hilary Black Rebellions in Barbados 1627- 1838.
Bendiner, Elmer The Rise and fall of Paradise: When Arabs and Jews built a kingdom in Spain. Dorset Press, 1990.
Ben Jochannan, Yosef 1970 Blackman of the Nile. NEW YORK:Alkebu-lan Books Associates.
-- 1970 Africa mother of Western Civilization. NEW YORK: Alkebu-lan Books Associates.
-- 1971 African origins of the major Western Religions. NEW YORK: Alkebu-lan Books Associates.
Blyden, Edward W. 1887 Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race. rpt. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 1967.
Breasted, James H. 1967 A history of Egypt. Bantam Books, NEW YORK.
Browder, Anthony From the Browder file.
Budge, E.A.Wallis Egyptian Magic: A history of ancient Egyptian Magic.
--- Egyptian book of the Dead
Campbell, Horace 1987 Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney. TRENTON, NJ Africa World Press.
Carew, Jan R. Fulcrums of Change
Catterall, Helen T. 1926-37 Judicial cases concerning American slavery and the Negro. Washington, D.C.:Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Child, Lydia M. Francis 1865 The Freedmen's book. Boston, Ticknor and Fields.
Costa, Emilia V da 1994 Crowns of Glory: Tears of Blood: the Demerara Slave Rebellion of 1823. NEW YORK: Oxford University Press.
Craton, Michael Testing the Chains.
Curtin, Philip D. The image of Africa: British ideas and action, 1780-1850. Madison, University of Wisconsin.
----- Africans in bondage: studies in slavery and the .
Daly, P.H. 1970 Revolution to Republic. GEORGETOWN, Guyana: Daily Chronicle.
Diop, Cheikh Anta PreColonial Africa
------ Civilization or Barbarism
----- The African origin of Civilization.
---- Black Africa.
Duff, Charles 1936 The truth about Columbus and the discovery of America. NEW YORK, Random House.
Dykes, Eva Beatrice 1942 The Negro in English romantic thought: or, A study of sympathy for the oppressed. Washington, D.C., Associated Publishers.
Fleming, Beatrice J. 1946 Distinguished Negroes Abroad. Washington, D.C. Associated Publishers.
Ferris, William H. Africans Abroad vols. 1 & 2.
Foner, Philip Antonio Maceo: the Bronze Titian.
Gimbutas, Marija 1982 Gods and Goddess of old Europe 7000 - 3500 B.C. Myths, legends and Cult images. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Gogineau, Joseph A. de 1915 The inequality of the Human Races. N.Y: GP Putnam & sons. trans. vol.1.
Hecht, J. Jean 1956 The domestic servant in eighteen century England. rpt. ed. London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan, 1980.
Heeren, Arnold H.L. 1846-50 Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity. LONDON, H.G.Bhon.
-------- 1850 Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. London, Henry G. Bhon.
Henry, H.M. 1914 --------Police control of slaves in South Carolina. Emory, Va.
Jackson, John G. 1974 ---------Introduction to African Civilizations. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel.
-- 1990---------------- Man, God, and Civilization, First Carol Publishing Group edition.
James, C.L.R. 1980 ---------The Black Jacobins: Allison & Bushby; LONDON.
James, George GM 1954 --------Stolen Legacy: Philosophical Library, NEW YORK.
James, Marquis 1938 --------The Life of Andrew Jackson. Haddon Craftsmen, Inc., CAMDEN, NJ
Jefferson, Thomas -------Notes on the state of Virginia.
Jones, Eldred D. -------Othello's countrymen: the African in English Renaissance.
Josephus, Flavius --------The Great Roman - Jewish War A.D 66 - 70.
------------------ The Life and works of Flavius Josehpus. Translated by William Whitson; PHILADELPHIA, John C. Winston Company.
July, Robert W. ------------A history of the African people.
Kendall, Timothy 1990 ------------Kingdom of Kush in the National Geographic vol.178 n.5, Nov. pages 96- 125.
Kwayana, Eusi 1966 --------------Birth of Freedom: New World Quarterly; Guyana Independence Issue.
Lane-Poole, Stanley 1886 -----------The story of the Moors in Spain. G.P.Putnam's Sons LONDON, rpt.
Leech, Margaret 1980 ---------Reveille in Washington 1860-1865. Time-Life Books Inc. Alexandria, Virginia. Reprint; Harper & Row, Publishers Inc.
Livermore, Harold 1960 -------------A History of Spain. Evergreen Encyclopedia vol.6. Grove Press, Inc. New York.
Locke, Alain (editor) 1925 ----------The New Negro. rpt. NEW YORK: Atheneum Publishers, 1969.
Massey, Gerald -----------Ancient Egypt: the Light of the World.
2 vols. T. Fisher Unwin, LONDON, 1907; Samuel Weiser Inc. NEW YORK.
--------------------------- The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ: or Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry. Star Publishing co., Springfield, Mass., 1886.
---------------------------- Book of Beginnings. 2 vols. Williams & Norgate, LONDON, 1881.
Means, Sterling M. 1980 Ethiopia and the missing link in African history. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. D. Hakim Reprint.
Mohammed al-Maqqari, Ahmed ibn 1840-43 ----------History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain. translated by Pascual de Gayangos. London.
Noel, Donald L.(editor) 1970 ----------Origins of American Slavery and Racism.
Northcott, Cecil 1976 ------------Slavery's Martyr: John Smith of Demerara and the Emancipation movement 1817-24. Epworth Press.
Oates, Stephen B. 1979 --------------Our fiery trail: Abraham Lincoln, John Brown and the Civil War era. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Obadele, I.A. 1993--------- Reparation Yes 3rd edition.
Ogude, S.E. 1983 ------------Genius in Bondage: a study of the origins of African literature in English. Ile-Ife, Nigeria: University of Ife Press.
Okihiro Gary Y. (editor) 1986--------- In Resistance: Studies in African, Caribbean and Afro-American History.
Palmer, Colin A. 1981---------Human Cargoes: British slave trade to Spanish America.1700-39.
Pauline, Lawrence J. 1970 -----------Concepts in American History. Revised Edition Cambridge Book CO. NY.[David Goodhart, Andrew Morzello, Harold E. Hammond]
Pierson, Donald 1942 ----------Negroes in Brazil.
Porter, Dorothy 1971 ----------Early Negro Writing, 1760-1837. Boston Beacon Press.
Ramphal, Shirdath S. 1985 ------------'Some in light and some in Darkness'- Out of Slavery: Abolition and after. pages 159-89, notes 189-92. edited by Jack Hayward. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., London, England.
Read, Jan 1974 ------------The Moors in Spain and Portugal. London.
Rensberger, Boyce 1979 -----------Nubian Monarchy maybe the World's oldest - International Herald Tribune 3.9.1979.
Rodney, Walter E. 1967 ----------West Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade. East Africa Publishing House.
--------------------1970--------- A History of the upper Guinea Coast 1545-1800. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
-------------------------------- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. WASHINGTON, D.C.; Howard University Press.
--------------- 1981------------ A History of the Guyanese working people 1881 - 1905. BALTIMORE, M.D: John Hopkins University Press.
Rogers, Joel A. 1944 -----------Sex and Race 3 vols. NEW YORK.
----------------1947 -----------World's Great men of color. 2.vols. N.Y., Futuro Press Inc.
Salley, Columbus 1970--------- What color is your God?: Black consciousness and the Christian faith. rev. ed. Dowers Grove, Iil.: InterVarsity Press, c 1981.
Schomburg, Arthur A. 1925 -------Negro digs up his past: Survey Graphic: N.Y. Survey Associates; vol.6, no.6 pages 670-672.
Schuler, Monica 1970 ---------Ethnic Slave rebellions in the Caribbean and Guiana. Journal of Social History #3.1970.
Shyllon, Folarin O. 1977 ------Black people in Britain 1555-1833. Institute of Race Relations & Oxford University Press.
Stedman, John G.------------ Narrative of a five year's Expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam.
Uya, Okone 1976 ---------Slave Revolts in the Middle Passage: a neglected Theme. Celibar Historical Journal vol.1, #.1,1976.
Van Sertima, Ivan 1976 -----------They came before Columbus.1st ed. NEW YORK; Random House.
----------------------------------- Golden Age of the Moors.
--------------------------------- Black Women in Antiquity.
--------------------------------- Blacks in Science: ancient and modern.
--------------------------------- Great African thinkers.
----------------------------------- Egypt Revisited.
Volney, Count Constantine 1890 --The Ruins of Empires. Peter Eckler, NEW YORK.
Washburn, Emory 1864------ Somerset's Case and the Extinction of Villenage and Slavery in England: Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings 1st Series, #.7, 1864.
Wells, H.G. 1940-41 -------The Outline of History 3.vols. Triangle Books, NEW YORK.
Wiener, Leo 1920-22 Africa and the Discovery of America. 3.vols. Innes & Sons, Philadelphia.
Williams, Chancellor 1974 The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.; CHICAGO: Third World Press.
(2) Rebirth of black civilizations.
Williams, Eric From Columbus to Castro.
(2) 1981 Capitalism and Slavery. London, Deutsch, reprint of 1944 Chapel Hill.
Williams, Joseph John 1931 Hebrewism of West Africa: From the Nile to Niger. 2nd. ed. NEW YORK: the Dial Press.
Woodson, Carter G. 1933 The Mis-Education of the Negro. Washington, D.C., Associated Publishers.