What is the meaning of the name, Sancho? This Sancho is not interested in being made aware of interpretations arising from the thought processes of Europeans, White and/or pseudo- White people. This Sancho is seeking the "African" origins and meaning especially consistent with Kemet, Khanit, Mande, and others of ancient times. Also, the origins and meaning according to the most ancient and modern Sanskrit - of Sancho, Sankar, Sankara, Shankara, Sonko, Sancha, Sanko, and so on? What are the primary elements in the names? Muriel nor Oswald and for that matter, none of their generations gave this Sancho any idea of the meaning and origins of the name, Sancho. Moreover, to this very minute, this Sancho despises the 1605 AD., Miguel de Cervantes' play, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. He was infuriated by the fictitious character, Sancho Panza being assigned to the servant class and confined to riding a donkey. Most of all, he was not aware of the meaning of Sancho. The contradiction is loving the name, Sancho, while being ignorant of the meaning remains an indictment. Several generations, 1803-2019, survived and departed in ignorance of the origins and meanings of Sancho and when our ancestors adopted the name in the Americas. It's similar to being a Christian, all because our ancestors in the American experience, were whipped into becoming Christians. This Sancho is with our people were Sanko and/or Sonko at various periods of our human experience. It appears energy, Sun, and life are the basic elements respecting the origins and meanings of the name, Sancho and other variants. The Sun is the major factor, period. This Sancho needs to know and not believe. Who do you recommend this Sancho consult?
Contact :- childrenofsancho@gmail.com Perhaps, the future generations of Sancho researchers will move this process forward in a radical environment resembling that of the ancestors of Sancho prior to the beginnings of the seventeenth century AD. It’s likely the future generations of Sancho researchers will be able to access information which is not currently available. This Sancho hopes the future generations of Sancho researchers will vindicate his efforts. This Sancho hopes the future generations of Sancho researchers will pay homage to the integrity, Sancho ancestral heritage. He also hopes his fortitude, integrity; sincerity and the love for his Sancho biology will be appreciated and lauded by the future generations of Sancho researchers, and Sancho people, generally, most especially the DNA Sancho. Perhaps, more than enough time efforts has been exhausted exposing the distraction the reprehensible opinions of Kenneth Joyce Robertson and his fictitious account- pu...