Do you have any of the following on your family tree? Portsmouth, Bathersfield, Kirton, Hatton, Herod, Sancho, Campbell, Pollard, Brammer, Gravesande, Belle, Younge, Smith, Nelson, Christopher, Williams, Wood, Frank, Johnson, Hope, Cambridge, Marcus, Yaw, Jacobs, Harry, Bentick, Sharper, Gill, McGarrell, and Timmany, and others are of interest to my effort.
George Edward Portsmouth, William Portsmouth, Robert Portsmouth, Clarrissa Bathersfield, Manny Yaw, Nelson Yaw, and Betsy Yaw, the spouse of Telemachus Wills, Sampson Henry Augustus Ross, his wife. Cecelia Bobb, née Rogers, Algernon Octalaney Lockhart Ross, Alexander Ross, Noble Ross
Daniel Sam, of Friendship East Coast, Demerary, Harriet Ross, single woman, Cecelia Gordon, widow, in her own right and as sole heiress of an estate of her children, Isaac Newton Gordon, and Joseph Ross, both deceased, Jane Ned, widow, Letitia Rodgers, single women, all of Buxton, East Coast, Demerary, Martha Ross, single woman, of Kitty, East Coast, Demerary, Susan Ross, single of Albouy’s Town, Georgetown, Ada Ross, single woman of Hale Street, Georgetown, Emma Ross, single woman of Robb Street, Georgetown, Julia Robertson, widow, of Kitty, East Coast, Demerary, and Nathaniel Russell, of Buxton,
Daniel Sam, of Friendship East Coast, Demerary, Harriet Ross, single woman, Cecelia Gordon, widow, in her own right and as sole heiress of an estate of her children, Isaac Newton Gordon, and Joseph Ross, both deceased, Jane Ned, widow, Letitia Rodgers, single women, all of Buxton, East Coast, Demerary, Martha Ross, single woman, of Kitty, East Coast, Demerary, Susan Ross, single of Albouy’s Town, Georgetown, Ada Ross, single woman of Hale Street, Georgetown, Emma Ross, single woman of Robb Street, Georgetown, Julia Robertson, widow, of Kitty, East Coast, Demerary, and Nathaniel Russell, of Buxton,
Have you encountered any of the people listed below in your lineage and kinships? Are you descended and/or related to any of the people mentioned herein? Who must I consult soonest?
MARS SANCHO - An Unfortunate Family - James Rodney, son, Elvira Rodney, mother, Alice Rodney, daughter, Eugenie Fredericks, friend, Anthony Rodney, son, Sissy Rodney, daughter, Mars Sancho, and A. Pillew, friends, were all charged by Charles Simon Phillips with having, on Sunday, the 21st ult., assaulted him at Nabaclis. His Worship considered the charge was fully established against first, second and third defendants. They were fined $20, or 2 months each. The fifth defendant was ordered to receive 12 strokes with tamarind rods; the seventh defendant was fined $5, or 14 days; fourth, sixth and eight were discharged. Source: Police News - Belfield - (Before Mr. J. T. Thorne.) - The Daily Chronicle Friday, July 10, 1891: page 4 column 3 & 4.
MARS SANCHO - Wednesday Unlawful Assembly - Nevil Taylor, Mars Sancho, Piggey Sampson, Mamzel Sampson, Robt. Portsmouth, and Dada Sancho was charged by J. M. Griffiths, sergeant, with assembly on the 22nd ult., at Golden Grove for some unlawful purpose. They were each ordered to sign a bond of $5 and one surety $5 each for 3 months, in default 1 month's imprisonment.
MARS SANCHO - Threatening Language - Nevil Taylor, and Mars Sancho, was charged by P.C. Glen with having, on the 25th ult., at Golden Grove used threatening language to Robert. Portsmouth. Ordered to sign bond for $5, and 1 surety for $5 for 3 months, in default, 1 month's imprisonment each. Source: Police News - Belfield - (Before Mr. J. T. Thorne, S.J.P.) The Daily Chronicle Sunday, May 5, 1895: page 4 column 6.