Marshal’s Office, Execution Sale AT THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS.
PURSUANT to Writs of Execution in the Matters following:
— I, the Undersigned, Acting Provost Marshal of British Guiana, or my lawful deputy, will expose for Sale to the highest bidder, in presence of the Registrar of Court, or a Sworn Clerk, ac the Public Buildings, in the City of Georgetown, on Monday the 7th day of April, 1862, at noon.— ' -
2ndly. In behalf of John Williams, plaintiff, versus Sarah Sancho, widow, as executrix to and of the last will and testament of Bentinck Sancho, deceased, defendants A Piano (mahogany), a mahogany book case, a round table, a mahogany cheffoniere, a sofa, a music stool, a rosewood wardrobe, and a mahogany rocking chair.
All persons having any right, title, interest, or claim in and to the above Properties, and who may have just grounds to oppose the Sale thereof, are hereby required to do so in due form at the Marshal’s Office, in Georgetown, within Fourteen Days from the date of this Advertisement, setting forth his, her, or their reasons of-opposition in writing, duly signed by a Barrister-at-Law, Advocate, or Attorney-at-Law, and thereafter to proceed according to Law. Those inclined to purchase will attend at the-time and place before-mentioned.
Terms of
Marshal’s Office, Demerary and Easequebo, this 22d day of March, 1862.
J.H. OTTBBBEIN, Acting Provost -Marshal,
Source: Marshal’s Office, Execution Sale - The Official Gazette of British Guiana, Georgetown, 1862
No, 826. The Account Current and vouchers of the Administrator-General of Demerary and Essequebo, as Guardian of the minors John, Charles, Mary, Emma, and Tuckness, children of Bentick Sancho, deceased.
Source: The Official Gazette of British Guiana, Georgetown, 1863
The Commissary of Taxation for the Guiana Public Buildings, Georgetown, Demerara,1863.
By Command,
Source: The Official Gazette of British Guiana, Georgetown, 1863
The Commissary of Taxation for the County of Demerara having reported the Election on the 26th May last, by the Male Proprietors of the Village of Golden Grove of JOHN SUMNER, and SAMPSON COLLINS as COMMISSIONERS, and WELLINGTON ROGERS as OVERSEER for the said Village, vice TUCKNESS SANCHO and SAMUEL DICK, COMMISSIONERS and CHEESEWRIGHT JOSIAH, OVERSEER, dismissed
Notice thereof is given in conformity with the provisions of Ordinance No. 33, of the year 1856.
Guiana Public Buildings, Georgetown, Demerara,1864.
By Command,
Source: Government Notice - The Official Gazette of British Guiana, Georgetown1864.
The District Commissary of Taxation for Division No. 6, East
Coast Demerara, having reported the Election on the 29th August, last, by the male
Proprietors of the Village of Golden Grove, of JOHN SUMNER, and SAMPSON COLLINS
as COMMISSIONERS, and WELLINGTON ROGERS as OVERSEER for the said Village;Notice thereof is given in conformity with the provisions of Ordinance No. 33, of the year 1856.
Guiana Public Buildings, Georgetown, Demerara,1864.
By Command,
Source: Government Notice - The Official Gazette of British Guiana, Georgetown, 1864.