To the editor: "Daily chronicle"
Sir - I have sent you the contents of the meeting held yesterday, trusting you publish the same, and oblige, Yours obdt., &., C. Proprietor Golden Grove Village, East coast, 18th august 1882
Second Letter to John Proprietor
Dear John - there was a Combine Court held at Golden Grove, on Thursday, 17 instant. there were present, His Honour Chief Justice D-y, the honourable Attorney General Binns, and the elective members, J-s, C-s, G-e, and the aide-de-camp General Sancho, with closed doors for about three quarters of an hour. Doors were opened at nearly 12 o'clock when the proprietors came in. The account was read by the Judge himself, many of those jumbled up items which will be too numerous to relate has been explained, but not to the satisfaction of the proprietors, but the Judge promised to subtract them and put them in their proper form as they were rejected. the Booker Bros. account has been withdrawn, and the W. Wishart account to fall somewhere else, perhaps in a grave. the Loan question was brought up; one of the proprietors asked what was the actual amount borrowed, and what paid. the Judge says the actual amount authorised to be asked for was $1,000 but as the work exceeded that amount to $1,300, he was authorised a second time to ask for $1,350 with three years to pay at 5 percent. the Judge says he has not as yet received the full amount; as the Executive says he shall have to forward the matter to the Board for consideration, but in the meantime to effect the work he has received $913. The proprietors then state to the work a good deal, they decline receiving the balance to make the full amount asked for and that His Excellency be pleased to grant 3 years to pay the $913. as it will be rather difficult to pay it before, (as a threatening famine now hanging over the village they will not possibly be in a position to pay before then), and they will try to raise the balance by an estimate next year themselves. the Judge positively decline to the assertion made, and said that it will put the Executive in very much inconvenience. the meeting thus adjourned. When things are put right you shall hear. We are working a tramway's account which was expended by the office clerks riding up and down
Water Street, which was sent back to be corrected by the councillors. it was not ready when the judge was coming up. Your brother. C. Proprietor. Golden Grove Village, East Coast, 18th August 1882. Source: Correspondence -Demerara Daily Chronicle, Saturday, August 19, 1882: Page 3 Columns 4 & 5.
Sir - I have sent you the contents of the meeting held yesterday, trusting you publish the same, and oblige, Yours obdt., &., C. Proprietor Golden Grove Village, East coast, 18th august 1882
Second Letter to John Proprietor
Dear John - there was a Combine Court held at Golden Grove, on Thursday, 17 instant. there were present, His Honour Chief Justice D-y, the honourable Attorney General Binns, and the elective members, J-s, C-s, G-e, and the aide-de-camp General Sancho, with closed doors for about three quarters of an hour. Doors were opened at nearly 12 o'clock when the proprietors came in. The account was read by the Judge himself, many of those jumbled up items which will be too numerous to relate has been explained, but not to the satisfaction of the proprietors, but the Judge promised to subtract them and put them in their proper form as they were rejected. the Booker Bros. account has been withdrawn, and the W. Wishart account to fall somewhere else, perhaps in a grave. the Loan question was brought up; one of the proprietors asked what was the actual amount borrowed, and what paid. the Judge says the actual amount authorised to be asked for was $1,000 but as the work exceeded that amount to $1,300, he was authorised a second time to ask for $1,350 with three years to pay at 5 percent. the Judge says he has not as yet received the full amount; as the Executive says he shall have to forward the matter to the Board for consideration, but in the meantime to effect the work he has received $913. The proprietors then state to the work a good deal, they decline receiving the balance to make the full amount asked for and that His Excellency be pleased to grant 3 years to pay the $913. as it will be rather difficult to pay it before, (as a threatening famine now hanging over the village they will not possibly be in a position to pay before then), and they will try to raise the balance by an estimate next year themselves. the Judge positively decline to the assertion made, and said that it will put the Executive in very much inconvenience. the meeting thus adjourned. When things are put right you shall hear. We are working a tramway's account which was expended by the office clerks riding up and down
Water Street, which was sent back to be corrected by the councillors. it was not ready when the judge was coming up. Your brother. C. Proprietor. Golden Grove Village, East Coast, 18th August 1882. Source: Correspondence -Demerara Daily Chronicle, Saturday, August 19, 1882: Page 3 Columns 4 & 5.