The Sick In The Gold-Fields –
To The Editor: The Daily Chronicle,
Sir,- Adverting to your issue of Sunday, anent, a letter signed by “C. Gavinston Colthurst,” relative to a sick man by the name of W. H. Yhap, who it is alleged, had been bitten by a snake, I have no doubt that the victim did suffer excruciating pain, and that there were some who refused to bring him out from the placer, I regret the circumstance, but at the same time I beg to state for the information of the public that the two men who brought him to the waterside are villagers of Victoria Village, and the other two strangers have been paid for their services. Among those who contributed money to defray his expenses from Cuyuni to Georgetown are Joseph Cupido, George Cupido, Eddie Campbell, R.C. Haynes, Joseph A. Adams, Cambridge Adams, Allick Sancho and myself – all of whom belong to this village.
I am, Sir, etc,
Frederick W. Collins
Victoria Village,
August 8, 1904
Source: Correspondence – The Daily Chronicle, Tuesday, August 9, 1904: Page 4.
To The Editor: The Daily Chronicle,
Sir,- Adverting to your issue of Sunday, anent, a letter signed by “C. Gavinston Colthurst,” relative to a sick man by the name of W. H. Yhap, who it is alleged, had been bitten by a snake, I have no doubt that the victim did suffer excruciating pain, and that there were some who refused to bring him out from the placer, I regret the circumstance, but at the same time I beg to state for the information of the public that the two men who brought him to the waterside are villagers of Victoria Village, and the other two strangers have been paid for their services. Among those who contributed money to defray his expenses from Cuyuni to Georgetown are Joseph Cupido, George Cupido, Eddie Campbell, R.C. Haynes, Joseph A. Adams, Cambridge Adams, Allick Sancho and myself – all of whom belong to this village.
I am, Sir, etc,
Frederick W. Collins
Victoria Village,
August 8, 1904
Source: Correspondence – The Daily Chronicle, Tuesday, August 9, 1904: Page 4.