How did my ancestor and his brothers in 1838 obtain the finance to necessitate their journey to British Guiana?
It is certainly reasonable to assume given the available information that is was the only black man speaking English language, named Sancho and living in the first half of the eighteenth century in England.
Inquiring minds would like to know, can you with all the means available, or at your disposal, explain, how in 1838 some 58 years after the death of Ignatius Sancho, three black men, biological brothers, Bentick, John, and Tuckiness Sancho, could not only travel to British Guiana but on their arrival in the colony purchased vast amount of land. In the area of the East Coast of Demerara, now known as Golden Grove, Nabaclis, Haslington and Belfield?
How can three brothers Bentick, John, and Tuckiness Sancho be born and lived in London in the first half of the nineteenth century and not be related to Ignatius Sancho?
Have encountered other black people named sancho with an English history background that predates 1838,that were not related to Ignatius Sancho?
How could bits of information such as being born on a slave ship, taken to England and raised by three women be part of the Sancho family oral tradition in Guyana, if Ignatius were not their forefather?
What is the likelihood there were no other groups of black people names Sancho living in England, without a Latin or Hispanic connection?
It is certainly reasonable to assume given the available information that is was the only black man speaking English language, named Sancho and living in the first half of the eighteenth century in England.
Inquiring minds would like to know, can you with all the means available, or at your disposal, explain, how in 1838 some 58 years after the death of Ignatius Sancho, three black men, biological brothers, Bentick, John, and Tuckiness Sancho, could not only travel to British Guiana but on their arrival in the colony purchased vast amount of land. In the area of the East Coast of Demerara, now known as Golden Grove, Nabaclis, Haslington and Belfield?
How can three brothers Bentick, John, and Tuckiness Sancho be born and lived in London in the first half of the nineteenth century and not be related to Ignatius Sancho?
Have encountered other black people named sancho with an English history background that predates 1838,that were not related to Ignatius Sancho?
How could bits of information such as being born on a slave ship, taken to England and raised by three women be part of the Sancho family oral tradition in Guyana, if Ignatius were not their forefather?
What is the likelihood there were no other groups of black people names Sancho living in England, without a Latin or Hispanic connection?