Dr. Claude A.H. Denbow Speaks.
Claude Denbow speaks; rival dentist colleague of red Dr. Cheddi Jagan, head of the all Negro local League of the Coloured People
"Driven out of India, Malaya, and Burma, British colonialism must find other areas, rich in cheap labour and raw materials to keep its imperialistic economy going. Africa and the Caribbean colonies were the last area left. They were now moving in for the kill, sheltering under the guise of large monopolistic concerns; for example – C.D.C.
The British government is about to denude these areas of all it potentials raw materials and while in the process of doing so, with pious and self righteous declaration it grudgingly grants various areas some dubious and subtle form of semi independence."
Speaking US Farm Labour Scheme
"A slave labour recruiting from British Guiana intended on releasing American workers to fight down trodden Koreans."
League Coloured People versus People's Progressive Party
Second Quarter 1957 page 22 & 23
Branch of Harold Moody's League Coloured Peoples of London
(sleek red De Soto)
Phony King - Eze Anywanwu Articles in Daily Argosy - Doc Denbow versus Seal Coon of Daily Argosy
Abba Gabre Jesus Meshesha
Moody Hall
British Guiana League Coloured People
Doc Denbow
National Democratic Party sponsored by LCP in 1953 elections
United Democratic Party
John Carter , Llewellyn John Gertie Collins
Dr Miller, Dr. Taitt, Dr. T.T. Nichols, E.F. Fredericks
Negro Progress Convention off shoot of Garvyism fore runner to LCP
African Welfare Convention
Robert Adams man of two worlds
Forbes Burnham and Doc Denbow
They filched barrister Burnham from Dr. Denbow's race tooting LCP
Lucas and Denbow Labour president with LCP (p.181)
Claude Denbow speaks; rival dentist colleague of red Dr. Cheddi Jagan, head of the all Negro local League of the Coloured People
"Driven out of India, Malaya, and Burma, British colonialism must find other areas, rich in cheap labour and raw materials to keep its imperialistic economy going. Africa and the Caribbean colonies were the last area left. They were now moving in for the kill, sheltering under the guise of large monopolistic concerns; for example – C.D.C.
The British government is about to denude these areas of all it potentials raw materials and while in the process of doing so, with pious and self righteous declaration it grudgingly grants various areas some dubious and subtle form of semi independence."
Speaking US Farm Labour Scheme
"A slave labour recruiting from British Guiana intended on releasing American workers to fight down trodden Koreans."
League Coloured People versus People's Progressive Party
Second Quarter 1957 page 22 & 23
Branch of Harold Moody's League Coloured Peoples of London
(sleek red De Soto)
Phony King - Eze Anywanwu Articles in Daily Argosy - Doc Denbow versus Seal Coon of Daily Argosy
Abba Gabre Jesus Meshesha
Moody Hall
British Guiana League Coloured People
Doc Denbow
National Democratic Party sponsored by LCP in 1953 elections
United Democratic Party
John Carter , Llewellyn John Gertie Collins
Dr Miller, Dr. Taitt, Dr. T.T. Nichols, E.F. Fredericks
Negro Progress Convention off shoot of Garvyism fore runner to LCP
African Welfare Convention
Robert Adams man of two worlds
Forbes Burnham and Doc Denbow
They filched barrister Burnham from Dr. Denbow's race tooting LCP
Lucas and Denbow Labour president with LCP (p.181)